Customized Training Course on "BASICS OF WIND TURBINE FOUNDATION"

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Brief Report
Customized Training Course on
specially for employees of Sembcorp Green Infra Limited
held during 7th - 8th July 2022

The Skill Development & Training, Infrastructure Management (SDT & IM) Division of NIWE has successfully conducted the Online Customized Training Course on "Basics of Wind Turbine Foundation" during 7th – 8th July 2022. The course addressed the basic aspects of Wind Turbine Foundation as per the Programme Schedule. The course was attended by 19 participants. During the 2 days of course, 6 lectures were scheduled. Scientists, wind turbine manufacturers and academicians from premier institutions, who have many years of experience in the field, handled the course content of the training.

Time Topic Faculty
07th July 2022, Thursday, Day 1
1130 - 1300 Introduction to Wind Turbine Foundation:
An Overview of Basic Design Concept
Dr. S. Gomathinayagam former DG, NIWE
1400 - 1530 WTG Foundations Types and its Innovations Shri. Jerald Rozario,
Chief Training Manager ,Windcare India Pvt.Ltd.,
1600 - 1730 Wind Turbine Structural Design Dr. Ayan Haldar Assistant Professor, Dept. of Civil - IIT Banaras
08th July 2022, Friday, Day 2
1130 - 1300 Wind Turbine Towers Dr. S. Gomathinayagam former DG, NIWE
1400 - 1530 Wind Turbine Offshore Foundation Concept Dr. Gireesh Ramachandran
Principal Specialist, Renewable Certification Energy System, DNV-GL
1600 - 1730 Wind Turbine Structural Design Shri. Mohammed Farook Windcare India Pvt.Ltd.,
Glimpse of Training

The course structure and organization of training was highly appreciated by the participants. The participants were very much satisfied by the quality of lectures and support from the organizing team throughout the course.