Home - Departments - Skill Development & Training, Infrastructure Management - National Training - 24th National Training Course
The SDT Division of NIWE had successfully conducted the 24th National Training Course on ""WIND RESOURCE ASSESSMENT" held during 10th to 14th February 2020. The course was successfully commenced on 10th February 2020 with the inauguration by Dr. K. Balaraman, Director General, NIWE in the presence of the Course Coordinator, Dr. P. Kanagavel, Director and Head, SDT Division, NIWE. The course was attended by 13 participants from 6 States, Gujarat, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu and Uttar Pradesh.
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Dr. K. Balaraman, DG, NIWE inaugurating the training by lighting the lamp |
The course started with briefing about Wind energy technology and detailed deliberation on various characteristics of Wind Resource Assessment, Wind Resource Assessment techniques, Site Selection for Wind Monitoring Stations (WMS), Installation, Instrumentation and Commissioning of WMS, Met Mast and Modern Measurement Techniques including measurement using remote sensing instruments (SODAR & LiDAR), Data Collection, Analytics and Processing, Software Tools used for Wind data Analysis, Design and Layout of Wind Farms, Wind Resource Mapping, Forecasting and Wind Energy Production.
As part of the training, the practical training at the field and laboratories was arranged for site selection, mast installation and instrumentation of sensors, collection of data and it validation, processing, analysis and reporting.
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As part of the training course, Course Material was released and distributed to all the participants, which is a book compilation of the write - ups of all the presentations / lectures collected from the lecturers for the benefit of the participants as a ready reference material.
There were 9 class room lectures / presentations and 11 practical classes held during the course, which were handled by 14 NIWE Engineers and 1 External expert.
The following topics were addressed during the training course:
The Renewable Energy facilities available in the NIWE Campus were also showcased to the participants for practical exposure, wherein they had an opportunity of understanding about the Wind Resource Assessment set up and how the Hybrid System works etc.
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Mr. Roberto Alfonso Zapata Quiroz, Secretariat of Energy, Honduras was the Guest of Honour for Valedictory Function and he had distributed the Course Certificates to all the participants after his valedictory address.
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Course Certificate distribution |